Where did you get the tar from.  It sounds vaguely like you have
got one part of a series of tars.  The tar should be about 70Mb.

                Peter Allen

Ming Hsu wrote:
> Finally decided to install Star Office, and didn't expect any trouble
> since I already have glibc 2 and others installed.  But as it always is
> with me and Linux, something goes wrong. :)
> Anyway, I decompressed the tar file into /usr/src/so501/so501_inst/ like
> usual, and invoked the setup script.  That went fine, I picked the options
> and put in the user information.  When it's about to install, however, it
> gives me the message window titled <Change Disk>, with the message of
>         "please insert Star Office 5.0."
> I clicked Yes a couple of times to no avail and had to abort.  Then I read
> in the readme somewhere that I should run "setup" from
> /cdrom/Office50/english/prod_lnx.  So I moved all the files to that
> directory and started again, with the same error.
> Do I need to unzip all the f_#### files in the installation directory?
> I tried that for a couple of the files but that didn't seem to change
> anything.  And I haven't found a way to decompress all those files at
> once, unzip * did nothing.
> Sorry for the long message.  Hope someone'll read it.  :)  Well, thanks in
> advance!
>          Ming Hsu
>             "Asians are very gifted at creativity and invention.
>              If you go to Japan or any Asian country,
>              they can turn a television into a watch."
>                   -by Reggie White (1998), whose humour grows
>                    in direct proportion to his sincerity.
> --
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