I wanna set up a web server w/ Debian, and I wanted to get some quick
advice about that packages to grab and install.

Basically, I want Apache, with SSL, PHP, and MySQL support.  Also, I
would like to have MySQL (obviously), and SSH (for secure access).

Not really much else I want installed right now, just that, a secure,
full featured web server.

Can anyone point me to the exact packages?  I noticed browsing the ftp
directories that most of the stuff is there, but I notice some versions
of apache have like one feature but not the others...  And I would like
to do it out of recent binaries for x86 rather than build it from source
(just to save time).

And, in addition to a list of the specific packages I would want to
grab, any advice as to the specific places to grab them (which mirror
for fast access in mid-west USA, and which directories if you happen to
know), and which specific order to install them...

I'm still digging, it shouldn't be all that hard, but I figure someone
has probably done exactly this recently and might have a bit of advice.


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