----- Forwarded message from Wayne Topa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -----

Date: Thu, 27 May 1999 13:25:24 -0400
From: Wayne Topa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "David B.Teague" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: (Fwd) Re: Puzzling Problem with Parallel Port
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        Subject: Re: (Fwd) Re: Puzzling Problem with Parallel Port
        Date: Thu, May 27, 1999 at 01:02:30PM -0400

In reply to:David B.Teague

Quoting David B.Teague([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> On Tue, 18 May 1999, Wayne Topa wrote:
> >     Subject: (Fwd) Re: Puzzling Problem with Parallel Port
> > 
> > In reply to:jeb
> > Quoting jeb([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> > > Is there anyway I can check what IRQ or address space the module 
> > > thinks it is supposed to be using?
> > 
> > Why use(waste) an IRQ on the printer.  I use polling and saved and
> > saved the IRQ for my sound board.
> Wayne 
> Please tell me what you did to set up polling to to save that IRQ. 
> Polling for printers takes very little resoruces, I just don't
> know how to do it.

Well lets see if I remember (it was 4 years ago).

As I use a separate board for my serial & parallel ports, I
disabled the irq for the printers on the board. ie I pulled the
jumper.  I left the address jumpered to the default.  In my lilo.conf
I had to ldd the line append = "lp=0x378,0".  IIRC  I then
just rebooted and got the lpt1 (polling) line in dmesg.

I now use 2.2.9 and the append changed to 
append  = "video=vesa:ypan,nopal lp=parport0 parport=0x378,none"
so dmesg now shows
parport0: PC-style at 0x378 [SPP,PS2]
parport1: PC-style at 0x278 [SPP,PS2]
parport0: no IEEE-1284 device present.
parport1: no IEEE-1284 device present.
lp0: using parport0 (polling).
lp1: using parport1 (polling).

If you are using the parallel port on the motherboard I believe you
can disable the IRQ in the CMOS setup.  I am pretty sure that this
works as I was told about this IRQ saving method by some Win95 guys 
(back before I discovered Linux) and I am sure that they were using
motherboard printer ports.

I have lp compiled in as a module now and the above also worked when
the parallel port was compiled into the kernel.



"You must realize that the computer has it in for you.  The irrefutable
proof of this is that the computer always does what you tell it to do."

----- End forwarded message -----

It is easier to change the specification to fit the program than vice

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