-> I changed the IDE cables in my PC and now the CDROM drive
-> is at hdb (primary ide slave), and previously it was hdd 
-> (secondary IDE slave).
-> I did this when I was messing around getting Win95 to install
-> properly.
-> Now, what file do I change in Debian Linux (Slink) to get Linux
-> to recognise the CDROM?
-> I notice during boot-up that it does find the CDROM, but when I
-> try dselect, multi-CD access method, it can't find the CDROM
-> any more.
> when you start deselect use the select access method again, and when it
> asks for where the cdrom drive is type /dev/hdb.  Unless you tell it,
> deselect is using the cdrom at the device address where it last found
> it.  There is no automatic update of this. (like in windblows).

Thanks for that!
I was just about to post to the list that I *had* updated
/etc/fstab already and it didn't work. 
I'll do what you advise.

It's an interesting story why I changed the cabling. I reinstalled
Win95 but couldn't get it to recognise the CDROM and hard drive
-- it ran them both in MSDOS compatibility mode.
I thought maybe if I put the CDROM as slave on the primary IDE,
it would help things. But no.
Eventually I discovered that I needed a driver for the motherboard
chipset, which I didn't have, the vendor didn't have, but I found
the motherboard manufacturer on the Web and got a patch that
actually is for a different chipset, but it works.
Debian recognised everything. What I liked with Debian is that I
was able to *tell* it where the CDROM drive is (hdd) -- Win95 is
too darn automated.
My experience so far, two systems only, is installing MSWindows
from scratch is more difficult than installing Linux.
Previous PC, I installed Win95 and RedHat, and Win95 hung during
install -- I had to resort to peculiar measures to eventually get it
installed -- and I had the motherboard drivers for that one.

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