Q: How well are CD-RW-Writers supported? 

A: You can write on CD-RW's exactly like on a CD-Recordable. X-CD-Roast
   does not handle these any differently. To erase a CD-RW you have to
   cdrecord manually (see the X-CD-Roast logfile where to find cdrecord
   what your scsi-device is). 

    /usr/local/lib/xcdroast-0.96e/bin/cdrecord-1.6.1 dev=4,0 blank=fast 
    (This will erase the CD-RW in the CD-Writer with the SCSI-ID 4) 

Future versions of X-CD-Roast will provide a button to do this the
convenient way. 

As seen on:


Johann Spies at Johann wrote:
> On Thu, 27 May 1999, Bryan Scaringe wrote:
> > Could I please see the actual command you typed to blank the cd?
> >
> cdrecord speed=4 -dev=0,0 -v /f/image1.raw -multi
> Johann
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