My Slink systems can export NFS file systems to each other and to my Potato
system, and can mount remote file systems from each other.  My Potato system
can mount remote NFS file systems from my Slink systems.  But, my Potato
system can't seem to export a file system.
On the Potato system, I edited /etc/exports to include the names of the
clients.  I then used "showmount -e", which gave me an error message
something like
      RCP - program not registered
I rebooted (a bad habit we Windows users develop) and then tried
"showmount -e", which now shows me the export list.  But, when I try to
mount the file system on a Slink system, I get
      mount: backgrounding "huey:/home3"

rcp.nfsd and rcp.mountd are running on both systems.

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