Barry Kauler wrote:
> I'm *still* installing my first Debian Linux!
> I got X windows running, with default window
> manager fvwm, but next time I logged in it
> didn't stop at the commandline --- went straight
> into graphics mode and gave me a login window
> for fvwm.
> In Red Hat, this is controlled by /etc/inittab, which
> sets the initial runlevel to 3.  5 is required to launch
> X.
> In Debian, inittab has default runlevel set to 2, so
> why is it launching straight into fvwm?
> Does anyone know what config file needs to be
> changed so I can login to commandline only?

I forgot to mention that the package XDM is controlling this.  Search
for XDM in recent archives and you will find your answer:)

> Also when I exit from fvwm, refuses to exit to
> the commandline. I'm back at that darn login
> window again. Even <ctrl-alt-backspace>
> won't get me out.
> regards,
> Barry Kauler
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