On Tue, 1 Jun 1999, Brad wrote:

> On Mon, 31 May 1999, Eric Gillespie, Jr. wrote:
> > I have a stack of floppies that i'm sorting through, and i need to know 
> > what's
> > on them. Some of them, however, aren't formatted. I have know way to know
> > which ones aren't until i mount them. Every time i try to mount an 
> > unformatted
> > floppy, mount segfaults. Afterwards, if i try to mount another floppy it
> > says "mount: /dev/fd0 already mounted or /floppy busy". I can mount a
> > floppy to other directories, so it must be /floppy that's busy, even
> > though /etc/mtab and /proc/mounts both show it as not mounted. Further,
> > i can't remove the floppy module from the kernel.
> > 
> > Eventually i run out of directories to mount to and have to reboot.
> > This is unacceptable. Any ideas?
> Did you try umounting /floppy?

I had a similar proble. But with a corrupted floppies. Trying to access a
file that happens to be too long produces and error (something like: VFS:
trying to access outside the filesystem), and after that there
is no way to unmount the floppy. Had to reboot. Does anyone know a way to
force unmounting in such a case ?


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