Subject: I'm really confused by bash, .bashrc, .bash_profile, .profile, 
etc, etc, etc
        Date: Tue, Jun 01, 1999 at 11:25:46AM -0500

In reply to:Mark Wright

Quoting Mark Wright([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> Is there a good system for setting variables, aliases, etc that need to be
> set for user X, whether I log in at a login prompt or using su?  I'm
> confused by all the different .profile options (there are at least 3 for
> bash, why is that?)
> Mark.

Take a look in /usr/doc/bash.  There you will find the "correct"
answers to your bash questions, ie:

$ls /usr/doc/bash/examples/startup-files 
Bash_aliases.gz  Bash_profile.gz  Bashrc.gz        README.gz
bash-profile.gz  bashrc.gz

Real programmers don't write in FORTRAN.  FORTRAN is for pipe stress
freaks and crystallography weenies.  FORTRAN is for wimp engineers who
wear white socks.

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