When Johann Spies at Johann wrote, I replied:

  ps ax | grep gtt | grep -v grep

I have this (or something very like) as ~/bin/px and use it often.
> When I try to run gtt(from gnome) I get the message :
> "There seems to be another GtimeTracker running.
> Please remove the pid if that is not correct."
> I cannot find a pid for gtt.
> The /var/run directory looks like this:
> drwxr-xr-x   4 root     root         1024 Jun  1 16:29 ./
> drwxr-xr-x  18 root     root         1024 May 25 23:16 ../
> -rw-r--r--   1 root     root            4 Jun  1 16:11 atd.pid
> -rw-r--r--   1 root     root            4 Jun  1 16:11 crond.pid
> drwxr-xr-x   2 mail     mail         1024 May  5 22:59 exim/
> -rw-r--r--   1 root     root            4 Jun  1 16:11 gpm.pid
> -rw-r--r--   1 root     root            4 Jun  1 16:11 inetd.pid
> -rw-r--r--   1 root     root            4 Jun  1 16:11 klogd.pid
> -rw-r--r--   1 root     root            4 Jun  1 16:11 lpd.pid
> -rw-------   1 root     root          512 Jun  1 16:11 random-seed
> drwx------   2 root     root         1024 Aug 21  1998 sudo/
> -rw-r--r--   1 root     root            4 Jun  1 16:11 syslogd.pid
> -rw-r--r--   1 root     root         4224 Jun  1 17:21 utmp
> Where can I find a pid for gtt?
> Johann
>  --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> | Johann Spies                                 Windsorlaan 19              |
> | [EMAIL PROTECTED]                3201 Pietermaritzburg             |
> | Tel/Faks Nr. +27 331-46-1310                 Suid-Afrika (South Africa)  |
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>      "Thou will show me the path of life; in thy presence
>       is fullness of joy; at thy right hand there are
>       pleasures for evermore."         Psalms 16:11
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Ralph Winslow                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The IQ of the group is that of the member
whose IQ is lowest  divided by the number
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