I'm just trying to do something simple. I want to
change the color of listed directories from bright blue to bright white.

I'm running slink. I've created my own config file,  ~/.dircolorsrc, and
changed one item - dir color -  from 01;34 to 01;37. This is the result:

# eval dircolors .dircolorsrc
LS_COLORS='no=00:fi=00:di=01;37: <etc...>
export LS_COLORS

# echo $LS_COLORS
no=00:fi=00:di=01;34: <etc...>

The net result - no change! Using 'eval' on the command line is optional,
the output is the same either way. I think I am following the docs to the
letter... what am I missing?

TIA, Lorne.

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