When people are trying to write drivers for stuff that isnt already
supported under linux, how exactly do they go about doing it?
        I mean, if I want to, say, make a program to grab pictures from my
unsupported digital camera. Could I get some program to 'filter' the serial
port or whatever in winblows to see what control codes the software uses to
control the camera and then try to re-implement such a system under 
linux? Basically Reverse engineering the software's functionality I guess? (I
would, of course, then donate the code to one of the OpenSource camera projects
        Anyway, if this sort of thing is possible could someone point me to a
winblows program to use to examine what gets sent over a port?


E-Mail: Timothy Hospedales <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 03-Jun-99
Time: 01:21:42

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