> Hi,
> I finally get an X server to run, but still seem to have a lot to work 
> out.  It seems that I am assigned a windows manager (or none at all) that 
> is not so desirable.  The xterminal in X has no title bar, so the window 
> cannot be dragged and moved.  I tried to copy .xinitrc under the home 
> directory, and tried to assign fvwm95 as the windows manager, but it 
> didn't seem to work.  Would appreciate any help.

Well, depending upon what system you are using: Here is how I have it in
There is a file called window-managers , it's in /etc/X11
Install the desired wm and enter a path to it into that file.

That ought to take care of that.

> Also, I am using an external monitor for a notebook.  Every time I quit 
> from X windows, the monitor will blink every few seconds.  Did I do 
> anything wrong to cause this?

No, it should be ok. Thats X shutting down.

> Lastly, I seem to have a virtual desktop in X.  Is there a way to change 
> the setting so that I can fit everything within the full screen?  Thanks 
> in advance!

You can turn the virtual desktop off in a number of ways:
1. Run xf86config and turn it off there. When you get to modes section,
just change the order to what you want, and answer no to the question
whether you want virtual desktop or not.
2. Edit XF86Config directly.
Scroll down to Display subsections and comment out the Virtual Dektop


 Andrei S. Ivanov                  
 UIN 12402354                      
 http://members.tripod.com/AnSIv   <--Little things for Linux.
 http://www.missouri.edu/~c680789  <--"Computer languages of the world"
                                       My work in progress.

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