At 11:35 05/06/1999 -0300, vmlinuz wrote:

 >I have trying to compiling Pine 4.10 on slink and I get this error:
 >ld: cannot open -ltermcap: No such file or directory
 >Anyone can help me ?

Yep. In 'pine4.10/pine/makefile.lnx' change the line...

STDLIBS=     -ltermcap

... to read...

STDLIBS=     -lncurses

Do the same in ..../pico/makefile.lnx if you want pico (slightly different sytax, but just replace termcap with ncurses in the STDLIBS line)

Compile with the './build slx' option. (or at least that's what I used)

HTH, etc.

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