You wrote this:

>I just installed debian 2.1 slink for the first time; dselect doesn't seem
>to be working. Possible explanations: I didn't read the readme on the 4 CDs
>I have, where it says
>"If you wish to use the multicd installation method, as is the default for
>CD-based installs, you should be careful to insert the LAST BINARY CD of
>your set when you start"
>I have the 4-cd set but I put in CD 1. Did I break something in doing so?
>Can I fix it?

In dselect, just select option one (Access) and choose multi-cd if it's
not already chosen. Then choose option number 2 (Update) to update all
the package information. All the appropriate stuff on CD 2 will now be
visible in the main 'Select' screen.

There's nothing stopping you installing from CD 1 and then using CD 2
after you've installed it - you just need to choose Update and
everything's available.
>Also, when dselect gets the files from the CDs, it finishes off by saying
>"error code 1". What does that mean? Dselect also complains that it cannot
>open the file, /var/lib/dpkg/methods/multicd/available

You either haven't installed the multi-cd package (it's installed by
default on my Cheabyte set), or you haven't chosen multi-cd in the first
(Access) option in dselect.

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