On Sun, 6 Jun 1999, Fu-Dong Chiou wrote:

> Well, I don't know how and why, but I am now able to mount the floppy 
> module on the system.  Strange thing is, I can only mount the Debian boot 
> disk as a msdos disk, although I have to mount a Redhat boot disk as ext2 
> disk. 

This is normal, it all depends on the type of filesystem the floppy was
created with.

> I also note, I can read, write and execute on my DOS partition, 
> just like another filesystem.  Is this normal, or I am having some 
> problem with my system? 

This is also normal. You might not want to be able to execute on the DOS
partition though, since there aren't likely to be any Linux-compatible
binaries there.

Adding the -o noexec option to your mount command will turn off the
executable bit, so nothing on the fs can be executed. You could also do
the same thing in fstab. Here's a sample:
/dev/hdb1       /DriveC         vfat    defaults,noexec,gid=101,umask=007

This mounts /dev/hdb1 on /DriveC using a vfat filesystem (vfat == dos with
win32 long filenames). It uses the default options except for noexec: rw
(read-write), suid (which i believe has no effect on dos/vfat), dev
(again, no effect), auto, (if you say "mount -a", all fstab entries with
auto will be mounted), nouser (only root can mount), async (asynchronous
IO). The drive will have a gid of 101 and a umask of 007. The umask,
combined with noexec, means the permissions will be rw-rw---- for files
and rwxrwx--- for directories. This way, only root (the owner) and members
of group number 101 can access the filesystem. umask=002 would make the
permissions rw-rw-r-- and rwxrwxr-x for files and directories, only
allowing write access to root and members of group number 101.

There's two ways i know of to find the number for a group: look in
/etc/groups or add a user to the group and use the id command as that

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