Patrick Colbeck wrote:
> Hey, my hard drive did the sudden thrashing thing last night too. Its
> never done it before (well it has in NT but not in Linux). All I was
> doing was reading mail remotely over a dialup line using xemacs in a
> kterm in KDE 1.1.1 (from snowcrash). It stopped after a while (about 4
> minutes) and has been fine since. This never happened before in RedHat
> or with Hamm. Is this a KDE thing perhaps ?. I am running on an AST M
> series Laptop which has 48Mb ram and a 2GB Linux partition with about
> 1300MB free and a 92MB swap file.
> Pat

Run the program Xconsole or top or "ps aux" at command line to see what
is happening.  There are cron daily, weekly, and monthly jobs that are
run periodically.

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