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Have a stable day. Use Linux.

On Tue, 8 Jun 1999, Armin Wegner wrote:

> Hi,
> can anybody tell where to find information on how to install linux
> from c source code. 
> Currently I'm using Debian. Debian is fine. But there is no support for
> my Riva TNT chipset in X 

Anouncements that NetGod has made slink .deb's of xfee 3.3.3.x have been
all over this list for the past few days. -- I personally instlaled the
updates from his site last night. Look at the list archive over the last
two days for the url. 

So I've installed version from 
> source to /usr/local. Now there are many very anoying problems with the
> dpkg dependency check, when installing application for X. dpkg won't let
> me install twm without installing xbase, etc. before. 
> dpkg is missing an option to tell it, that an package has been installed
> by hand and there is no need to install the .deb package.

Acctually, the better way to do this it to make a .deb package from the
source, and then install the .deb package. Debian has a most wonderful
package management system - don't try to out-smart it or bypass it. Making
.deb's is as easy as compiling - but like I said, the work has already
been done. 

> I'm using very few package. Propably it's an option for me, to install
> linux from source code. My /usr/local is bigger then /usr.
> Armin


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