On 09-Jun-99 Kenneth Scharf wrote:
>>I cannot install Debian from my Cheapbytes Slink CD >without the base
>>but I believe I can do it from the Hamm CD, also from >Cheapbytes. 
> With
>>Slink CD, the installation stops because of an error >with the ncurses
> Hmmm I did not have this problem installing on my other computer (The
> install didn't go through all the way, but this was because LILO
> couldn't be installed due to the way the HD was formated.  I didn't see
> any problem with the ncurses package.  Exactly which step did you die
> on.  I got all the way though networking (which I skipped) then tried
> to install lilo.

It starts to install (I did not select my packages but selected the custom
install and then answered the questions about what I wanted to do with my
system) and then quits after installing a few packages.  I don't have this
problem if I install from the base disks first.  Also, I believe I can install
ncurses manually and then continue, but I am not sure.


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