When I execute 'insmod ppp' I recieve the errors:
  '/lib/modules/2.0.36/net/ppp.o: unresolved symbol slhc_init'
  '/lib/modules/2.0.36/net/ppp.o: unresolved symbol slhc_free'
  '/lib/modules/2.0.36/net/ppp.o: unresolved symbol slhc_uncompress'
  '/lib/modules/2.0.36/net/ppp.o: unresolved symbol slhc_toss'
  '/lib/modules/2.0.36/net/ppp.o: unresolved symbol slhc_remember'
  '/lib/modules/2.0.36/net/ppp.o: unresolved symbol slhc_compress'

What does this mean?  I beleive that I compiled the kernel with PPP
support, if I didn't how do I specify that?

THANK,  Andy

>Andy Bottman wrote:
>>         I rebuilt my kernel and have lost support for PPP, when I use 'pon'
>> it says the kernel lacks support.
>>         I keep rebuilding and using 'make menuconfig'  and I choose PPP
>> support under networking.  I can't find any other reference to PPP.
>>         What am I missing?
>>   ANDY
>Someone else mentioned in a similar thread a earlier this week that this
>message doesn't necessarily mean that the kernel does not support ppp;
>that it could be simply to a misconfiguration, etc of your dial-up
>settings. But then again, since it (apparently) was working before the
>recompile, you're probably right to think it's a problem in the kernel
>settings. You might try using insmod as Dennis said earlier today on the
>previous post, per below:
>> Your kernel does not currently support PPP.  As root, execute:
>>      insmod ppp
>> If you do not receive any errors, try to connect.  If you receive
>> errors, you may need to compile a kernel/modules for ppp.  (Unless you
>> have changed your kernel from the default installed, the ppp module
>> should arlready exist)
>> If this works you can use 'modconf' to have ppp automatically
>> included. 'insmod ppp' is good for testing, but won't survive a
>> reboot.
>> Dennis
>> --


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