> I'm fairly new to Linux.  Have installed the latest stable version with some 
> add'l
> packages.  I downloaded X11 files from Xfree86.org.  I tried to run preinst.sh
> and right away I got "file: command not found".  It also looked like the 
> preinst.sh
> script was making a distinction between ELF and a.out binaries.  Should I 
> just install
> the X11 Deb packages from Debian.org?
> --
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I would prefer installing the debian packages wich are easier to install
and much more configured for your system. Anyway if you want to install
the files you already get try "bash preinst.sh" that should work.

# Contrary to popular belief, UNIX is a user-friendly Operating System.#
# It's just choosey about who its friends are.                         #

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