Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 11:53:45 +0200
   From: Frank Barknecht <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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    Raymond A. Ingles hat gesagt: //  Raymond A. Ingles wrote:

   >  I've got a Riva TNT card, and I'm using the X server and OpenGL lib from
   > nVidia. Everything's fine in X, but SVGAlib has problems. I upgraded to
   > SVGAlib 1.3.1 from unstable, but still there are issues.
   >  I sometimes run zgv and Maelstrom, but the main reason I want SVGAlib is
   > to try to run GLQuake. The Quake-HOWTO says I need SVGAlib to get there.
   >  If I force VGA-only, everything's fine, but the resolutions and colors
   > are, um, limited. If I force NV3 (Riva) mode, I get a blank screen. It
   > still responds to keypresses and I can telnet in, but until I
   > CNTRL-ALT-DEL the screen is hosed.
   >  I tried VESA mode this morning and ran Maelstrom. It came up and looked
   > okay, but when I quit, my monitor complained that the signal was out of
   > range: 28.something hsync, 60Hz vsync. Again, no screen until a reboot.
   > Switching VC's does nothing.
   >  I have seen claims that SVGAlib will work with a TNT, but I haven't made
   > it happen yet. Anyone have any suggestions?

   Correct me, but I don't think you can run hardware accelerated OpenGL quake
   with a Riva card under SVGAlib. The Riva GLX module only works if you are
   running X, I think. You will need SVGAlib if you want to run Quake with
   Glide on a Voodoo based card, though. Glide-Quake uses SVGAlib to manage
   access to the mouse and stuff, but soon after you typed "glquake" the 
   Voodoo-Card takes control.

   I have a Riva 128 here, which is not very good supported by SVGAlib, but
   enough to start GLQuake on the console with my old Voodoo I card. The new
   Riva X-Server can start quake2 with the OpenGL-Renderer, but then the 
   is only about 1 frame every 70 seconds. I'll never frag anyone this way ;(

1/70 fps looks exactly like pure software rendering, something is wrong 
in your setup
                                                    __    __
    Frank Barknecht       ____ ______   ____ __ trip\ \  / /wire ______


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