I'm sorry for going over this again, but I've looked at the logs
of the previous discussion and nothing helps my situation.

I'm trying (again) to make my IDE CD-RW work. I compiled my
kernel 2.3.5 (I haven't had time to download 2.2.10 yet) with
SCSI emulation as a module and the following SCSI options:

<M> SCSI support
<M> SCSI disk support
< > SCSI tape support
<M> SCSI CD-ROM support
[*]   Enable vendor-specific extensions (for SCSI CDROM)
<M> SCSI generic support                               
[*] Probe all LUNs on each SCSI device
[*] Verbose SCSI error reporting (kernel size +=12K)

My fstab has lines for /dev/hdc (ATAPI CDROM) and /dev/hdd
(HP 8100i CD-RW), and on reboot with this new kernel both devices
were mounted.

So I unmounted them, typed `modprobe ide-scsi' and tried to mount
/dev/scd0 (hopefully my CD-RW) on /mnt/cdrom. The error:

mount: the kernel does not recognize /dev/scd0 as a block device
       (maybe `insmod driver'?)

was returned, and I don't know why.

I can't find an ide-scsi HOWTO or anything similar, and the
CD-Writing HOWTO is less than useful in this situation - it says
to `use SCSI emulation and then treat your IDE CDR as a SCSI one'.
Would someone please point out some relevant documentation?
alisdair mcdiarmid
[i won't tear again i won't breathe in the shards of what is left]

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