The firewall machine appears to be connnected. ppp0 is listed with the IP
and such in the output of ifconfig. However I can't seem to get anything
out from the firewall machine to the rest of the world. I can connect with
all my machines internally on the LAN.

I ran the commands listed in the ipchains HOWTO

# ipchains -P forward DENY
# ipchains -A forward -i ppp0 -j MASQ
# echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

and was still not able to get things working. I wouldn't mind getting a
look at your config file if something in there might be useful in debugging
my outgoing IP problems.


At 09:59 PM 6/15/99 +0200, you wrote:
>On Mon, Jun 14, 1999 at 10:41:39PM -0400, Alec Smith wrote:
>> Basically, I have a local network 130.108.229.xx that I'd like to gateway
>> though a dialup PPP connection with Netcom. At this point I can get the
>> connection made (judging by the modem lights), but can't seem to get
>> anything out to the world from the dialup machine or the rest of my
>You need to make sure the dialup machine is connected before attempting to
>connect with the other machine anyway. I wont try to explain how to make pppd
>work because I dont know it myself, I just used the pppconfig script, but try
>to correct this first.
>> I took a look at the IP Masq HOWTO, but its 'defaults' don't seem to work
>> for me.
>> The system is Debian 2.1 running kernel 2.2.10. Kernel and network configs
>> are attached.
>The IP masq howto is for 2.0 kernels only, see the ipchains howto instead.
>Basically, you need to run something like:
>       echo 1 >/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
>       ipchains -A forward -s -j MASQ
>and some other rules to allow external connection (I can send you the whole
>config file if you want it).
>Attachment Converted: "c:\eudora\attach\Re Trouble with PPP and gatewa"

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