On 18-Jun-99 Damon Muller wrote:
> On Fri, 11 Jun 1999 13:33:40 +0100 (WET DST)
> Pedro Quaresma de Almeida <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Now, whenever I want to shut-off the computer, I do a shutdown at
>> Linux,
>> them I must!!! (the switch-off button does not work, it is only a
>> switch-on button) go to ms-windows to do a shutdown there (with the
>> corresponding shut-off action).
> Even without kernel APM support, you shouldn't have to reboot into
> windoze just to shut down. I know with my ATX board/case, I actually
> have to hold down the stop/start button on the case for about 5 seconds
> before it shuts down. That is the case with a lot of ATX systems, I
> believe.

This seems to be the case with many new kits. The "power supply" button
is no longer a mechanical link to a mechanical switch which disconnects
the mains from the power-supply box, but connects to pins on the
motherboard which in turn connect to some circuitry which causes a signal
to be sent to some circuitry in the power-suppy. Furthermore, the way in
which this works is in many cases configurable by setting jumpers on the
motherboard (have a look at the M/B manual).

All a damn nuisance: why the hell can't they leave well alone?

If all else fails, once you have run "shutdown -h now" to take the
system down to "halt" state, you could then simply unplug the power
cable (or switch off at the wall socket). That should stop it dead ...

Hope this helps,

(Fondly remembering my first car and its trusty crank-handle)

E-Mail: (Ted Harding) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 18-Jun-99                                       Time: 11:38:42
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