On Sat, Jun 19, 1999 at 09:42:06PM +1000, Colin Tree wrote:
> Hi,
>       Just re-installed slink, only a couple of
> hitches. 
> 1.    One day after running all day using
> Wordperfect, playing the odd game of solitair, 
> Netscape (browsing), compiling qt 1.4 & kde 1.0,
> kmail (downloading, reading), it started running 
> slow. I had to reboot before it came good. What's 
> the problem, how do I fix it without rebooting ?
Use the 'top' command to check your process list.
I've had instances of netscape go crazy and suck
up system resources, as well as stuff that I've
wrote. Use the "M" key to sort by memory usage
and the "P" key to sort by processor usage.

> 2.    The computer was sitting in X (icewm,
> xscreensaver) for a couple of hours, the screen
> went blank and totally locked up, reset button
> was the only way to start it back up.
Did you try switching to another virtual
console (i.e. Ctrl-Alt-F1)?

>       I've had both of these problems before,
> the latter being peculiar to Debian. SuSE does 
> neither, Redhat also does the first.
> --
> Cheers,
> Colin Tree
> -- 
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