On Fri, Jun 18, 1999 at 08:39:11PM +0200, Werner Reisberger wrote:
> I am running a debian machine (PC PII 350 MHZ, 128 MB RAM) as an Internet
> server. Today the server crashed the second times after running one week
> without any problems. The crash was caused by a kernel panic. Nothing has
> been written to a log file. Below is an excerpt which I found on the
> console:
>  unable to handle kernel paging request at virtual address e7fde95c
>  current -> tss.cr3=00101000, %cr3=00101000
>  *pde=00000000
>  Oops: 0002
>  CPU: 0
> The panic happened when a cronjob was running (glimpse ...) which does a
> lot of IO and consumes a good amount of memory. Maybe connected with this
> problem is a kernel message which occasional appears at this times but
> doesn't cause a crash:
>  Jun  5 05:47:25 memo kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device 
>  Jun  5 05:47:25 memo kernel: 08:0c: rw=0, want=67136178, limit=610438 
>  Jun  5 05:47:26 memo kernel: EXT2-fs error (device 08:0c):
>  ext2_free_blocks: Freeing blocks not in datazone - block = 67136177, count
>  = 1

Some type of filesystem corruption, try booting in single-user mode
and running e2fsck -c /dev/(whatever) to detect physical hard drive

> I am running a kernel 2.2.3 with a hamm system. Could there be any
> incompatibility between this kernel version and parts of the hamm
> distribution? Should I deinstall glimpse and compile a binary myself on the
> system?
I don't think glimpse itself is the problem.

> I switched to debian because I thought it would be at least as stable as
> Suse or RH, but unfortunately my experiences until now are bad. I had 
> to reboot the system too many times.
You shouldn't be running 2.2.3, there are some filesystem corruption
problems in the early 2.2.x releases. Upgrade to 2.2.10, that should
be better.

> Any hints appreciated.
> --Werner
> -- 
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