On Sat, 19 Jun 1999, Bob Nielsen wrote:

> I had a similar problem with smail.  I got around it by using specifying
> a MDA in .fetchmailrc.  
> Bob

I tried replacing smail with exim, and got same error message.

Tried to designate exim as MDA in fetchmailrc and got:

..exim: neither action flags nor mail addresses given
..fetchmail: terminated with signal 13
Broken pipe

Got pretty much the same thing last night when I tried designating smail
in .fetchmailrc.

fetchmail worked fine until I went to 2.1, dpkg'ed in the 2.0 versions
of fetchmail and smail, same error messages.

There must have been something outside of fetchmail and smail which got
modofied, choking fetchmail, just wish I knew what the s_it it is.


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