
I came from MS Windows to Linux a few months ago. I was tired of crashes and
all that, and I had the feeling I could do better GUI-wise also.

After a while I found Windowmaker, and set up a desktop with several handy dock
apps. A refreshingly approach to a personal desktop environment. Also,
Windowmaker looks good! So different from MS, and yet very easy to configure
and use.

Then I see that the big hype these days is KDE and Gnome. I have tried them
both and felt I was taking one step back towards what I left. I just do not
undetstand why the Linux community are working against a wm "standard" that is
not based on what seems truly unique and well layed out: The nextish look.
Instead I am again presented with the taskbar and popup menus that hasn't
really changed for years. Is this to conquer new users, or is it becuase Linux
users "secretly" have missed the look and feel of MS Windows?

And in Debian Windowmaker is presented as: "Yet another Windowmanager" when it
is actually GNOME and KDE that to me feels and looks like "yet another..."

Christian Dysthe
ICQ 3945810
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       "Clones are people two"

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