
I forgotten two more questions to ask:

 1) How's life going for visual impaired people? The only package specific to
    blind users is emacspeak, but I know there's more: is BRLTTY still alive?
    Last time I checked was some two years ago: has something new come out
    since then?
 2) I need a way to shut down a debian box in an easy way with a keyboard but
    no monitor and no user login: can I configure an alternative sequence like
    ctrl+alt+del to do a shutdown instead of a reboot? Can I have the PC's
    speaker beep something or better have some samples feed to /dev/dsp when
    the system can be safely turned off? Can I just do it in a script
    /etc/rc0.d/S89saygoodnight ?

Bye and TYA Again, Enrico

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