On Tue, 22 Jun 1999 13:29:53 -0500 (CDT), Brad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Ah, when you said "File System is 32-bit" i thought you meant just that,
>and not the filesystem io.

  Ah, but this isn't about what _I_ mean, but what terminology W9x

>Checking, the io is indeed 32 bit. Also, as a further test i created a FAT
>partition on hda3 (windows is on hdb1 and hdb5). Drive C was still hdb1,
>but drive D became hda3 and drive E was hdb5.

  The way W9x assigns drive letters to partitions is, as far as I know,
unchanged from how DOS used to do it (although I don't know how the new
partition types fit into the picture).  These rules are a bit
complicated, and can be found in the Boot Control documentation if
anyone is interested (see my .sig).  It is interesting to see, though,
that apparently W98 recognises drive swapping and implements it in it's
own driver.  I'll have to do some experiments with this as soon as I've
got sufficient hardware for testing.  (Currently my only PC with two HDs
is a 386 with 4 MB, and I'm not even going to try installing W98 to
that; it is running Debian, functioning as an IP masquerading Internet
gateway for my local network, without any problems.  Beat that, W9x or


Gertjan Klein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
The Boot Control home page: http://www.xs4all.nl/~gklein/bcpage.html

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