On Thu, 24 Jun 1999, David Densmore wrote:

> When I try to login to my normal user account I get this message:
> Unable to cd to "/home/dden"
> I can still log in as root, but I don't know how to fix the problem.
> I used the adduser command to create a new account and couldn't
> get into that one either.

What happens when you do "ls -ld /home" and "ls -l /home"?

What happens if you login as root, su to dden, and try to "cd /home/dden"?

> Right before this happened I logged in as root and moved a subdirectory
> from my home directory to my root directory so that it would be
> inaccessable to my normal user account.  Could this have caused the
> problem?  I moved it back but that didn't help.

i don't think it would have caused the problem...

> I used Win98 to send this email, please forgive me.

i don't know... 95 maybe, but 98? ;)

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