On Sat, 26 Jun 1999, Tracy Nelson wrote:
> Whenever I start X, it comes up with a default resolution of (I think)
> 640x480.  I normally run at 1280x1024, which means I have to hit
> <CTRL><ALT><KP+> two or three times to select the correct resolution.  
> Is there any way I can specify that as the default resolution?  Is it
> a matter of just resequencing some lines in my XF86Config file?

Yup, just rearrange the modes in your "Screen" section. Make sure you
choose the screen section that corresponds to the server you're using, and
the SubSection "Display" that corresponds to the bit depth you're using.
e.g. I have:
   SubSection "Display"
      Depth        16
      Modes        "1152x864" "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"

So 1152x864 is the default.
> I'd also like to use a resolution of 1152x870, but that resolution
> wasn't provided under xf86config.  Is there some way I can calculate
> the vertical and horizontal frequencies for this resolution and add
> them to my XF86Config file?  1280x1024 is a little much for my .31DP
> monitor...

That's a bit tricky. I think there's an X howto that goes into more

The lame way to do it: make sure your monitor's hsync and vsync are
correct in XF86Config so that X will reject any invalid modelines that
might break your monitor. Then add 1152x870, using 1280x1024 as a starting
point, and start tweaking the numbers until you get one that will at least
come up on the screen. It will probably be off-center and flickery, so use
'xvidtune' to correct that, then copy the new numbers from xvidtune to
your modeline.

You should be able to see that two of the numbers in the modeline
correspond to the resolution, so start by changing those, then change the
other numbers to be related to the resolution in the same way that the
numbers in another modeline are.

Clearly there's a real way to do this using formulas, check the X howto.


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