On Sat, Jun 26, 1999 at 05:35:09AM -0400, Isabelle Poueriet wrote:
> Hello and thanks a million to those who have responded to my request for
> taking some of your precious time to help me out.
> I downloaded wvdial and minicom like some of you suggested and wvdial
> cannot find my modem. I sent a message to them like they suggested because
> I am 100% sure that my modem is in Com3.  For some reason Linux is not
> detecting it in ttyS2. 
> Has anyone have this kind of problem before ===> wvdial not detecting
> their
> modem even when it is there and is working properly under windows?
> I checked the compatibility list and mine seems to be supported by Linux.
> It's a US Robotics 56K Voice INT. 

Sorry to take so long to respond...

The USR 56K internal is a PNP modem (I'm using one at this time).  You
have 2 choices (I've had this one running using both methods).

1. Install the isapnp tools package and get it configured. (the kernel
won't see this modem as a serial port if it's jumpered for pnp mode
without doing this).  I set my modem up this way originally, using
com3 (/dev/ttyS2) with a non-standard IRQ.  However, I installed
so much neat hardware (junk) in this PC that I ran out of interrupts
and decided to use method 2.


2. Jumper the modem to disable pnp mode, then set the jumpers for the
I/O port and IRQ you want to use.  Done this way, the kernel will see
it as a normal serial device, and you don't have to mess with the
isapnp stuff.  I changed my modem from com3 to com2, using IRQ3,
and disabled the on-board com2 port in bios.  The main problem with this
method is you'll lose a serial port that you might be using for something
else.  (Note: you'll also have to change your setup in Win if you do this)

I don't have my original isapnp.conf file, but I can help you get one
set up if that's the way you want to go. 

Like I said, I'm jumping in late here, so you can ignore this post if
you're already past this point.


Michael Merten                   NRA Life Member (http://www.nra.org)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]      Debian GNU/Linux (http://www.debian.org)
                    CenLA-LUG (http://www.angelfire.com/la2/cenlalug)
"Regardless of the legal speed limit, your Buick must be operated at
speeds faster than 85 MPH (140kph)."  -- 1987 Buick Grand National
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