Actually, ~/.bashrc is used only for interactive, non-login shells.  If
the xterm is invoked with the "-ls" option, it won't be used (unless
it's explicitly sourced within ~/.bash_profile, of course).

On Mon, Jun 28, 1999 at 08:16:18PM -0700, Sean 'Shaleh' Perry wrote:
> On 29-Jun-99 Carl Fink wrote:
> > [This message has also been posted.]
> > I have a system that was installed from a Debian 2.0 CD-ROM, with
> > many packages upgraded to 2.1 or unstable via the web site.
> > 
> > One thing that has bugged me ever since I switched to gdm:  my
> > .bashrc and .bash_profile files are never read.  Now, I realize that
> > I'm actually using xterm, but I always assumed xterm was some sort of
> > graphical shell for bash, especially since xterms show up in top or
> > ps as "bash".
> > 
> bashrc should be read at all times.  bash_profile is only read if the
> xterm (or whatever) is called as a login shell, i.e. xterm -ls.

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