On Tue, Jul 06, 1999 at 12:58:36AM +0000, Dan wrote:
> First of all, thank you for your concern. I don't have apt installed 
> apparently. I am running slink. I am convinced it has something to do with 
> my screen and/or keyboard setup because this happens in both dselect and vi. 
> I am telneting to my machine, so maybe I should hook a monitor to see if it 
> is just some problem with the telnet output configuration. But do you know 
> where the screen settings are offhand? I never knew there were any since I 
> thought it was all just standard, but apparently there is. Once again thank 
> you and I hope this info helps help at all. :)

OIC, I missed the part about using a telnet connection.  Yes, the terminal
type you select is going to play a very important part in the operation of
console based apps like vi and dselect.  You'll have to play around a bit
with using different terminal types (the terminfo files are located in the
/usr/share/terminfo tree).  Much will depend on the telnet software you
are using.  I don't know if the straight vt100 terminal type does arrow
keys, so in vi, you'll probably need to use the original movement keys
(h,j,k,l,u,m,etc).  Check your term software... you might be able to use
something a little better, like vt220 or vt320.  If you're connecting from
another linux or unix box, you might want to check out rlogin instead?

Michael Merten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        --> NRA Life Member (http://www.nra.org)
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