On Sun, Jul 04, 1999 at 12:49:49AM -0400, Jonathan Lupa wrote:
> On Sun, Jul 04, 1999 at 09:49:53AM +1000, Dan Everton wrote:
> > One thing I can think of is (and this is based on a very hazy grasp of
> > what ipmasq and ipportfw are actually doing) is that that the cvspserver is
> > trying to create another connection channel back to the originating server 
> > and
> > that isn't working for some reason. Anybody know if cvspserver does that 
> > (like
> > the control and data ports in ftp)?

OK, well, after finally getting this to work, I figured I'd post up what I 
found for
posterities sake. Hope it helps someone.

Problem: CVS server is behind a masquerading firewall, Have a Win9x client, 
want secure
access to CVS server.


Step 1. For 2.0 kernels, patch ipportfw support in to your firewall box's 
        See http://www.ox.compsoc.org.uk/~steve/portforwarding.html. For 2.2 
        masqueraded forwarding is built in...man ipmasqadm.
Step 2. Add port forwarding lines to your firewall box.
        I put ipportfw -A -tXXX.XXX.XXX.XXX/2401 -R 192.168.YYY.YYY/2401.  In 
        example, the XXX's are my ppp0 interface and the YYY's refer to my 
        CVS server. Use your appropriate IPs.

        I found that I could redirect to different ports on my firewall 
        but that my windows CVS client didn't like that. YMMV.

        btw, if you saw my earlier posts where I said that I tried this and it 
        working- well, that was the crack talking.  I tried again and it was 
fine. =)

Step 3. Telnet in to check that the portforward worked. Caveat: don't try the 
        from the firewall itself, it got confused for me and failed.  I used a 
remote system
        to telnet directly to port 2401 of the ppp0 IP address, and hit return 
after it
        connected. It should give you some tripe about bad authentification. 

Step 4. While it might seem like a good idea to use the "ext" method in your 
        variable and set your external connection type to your ssh program, I 
        find any windows ssh implementations that used stdin/stdout methods. 
They all
        wanted to use that new fangled GUI that you've read so much about. 
        we just went to all that work to get the pserver punched through the 

        SO! I setup my ssh client to do a secure port redirection from 
        to my ppp0's IP:2401.  Note: The windows CVS software didn't like it 
when I
        told it my IP ( That CVSROOT line wants to do a 
        or some such, so use localhost, and cross your fingers.  If it can't 
        localhost, try copying C:\windows\hosts.sam to c:\windows\hosts.

        If you were going to skip the ssh layer and use the pserver method to go
        right to your firewall, follow your heart, but unless I missed it, 
        default to system passwords and are sent in clear text.

Step 5. Enjoy working on your palm applicataions (or whatever) from work AND 
home! =)

There are various notes about this scattered through netnews, and a search on 
for "cvs ssh" should yeild all you need, it just takes a whole load of digging.

Good luck!


ps. apologies for typos... I hand copied lines and spell terribly. =(

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