>It's a feature of bash, as has been mentioned. According to the bash
>manpage, you can get rid of it by adding a line "set disable-completion
>on" in your /etc/inputrc (for the entire system) or ~/.inputrc (for
>whichever user's home directory it's in). Be advised you have to restart
>bash for this to take effect. Other shells might use a different file.

Looking at the bash manpage, you can also use the 'bind' command
to bash to change your keybindings at runtime; 'bind -P' will
list the current bindings.

>i don't know why it's doing it when you press esc twice. i have to press
>esc four times to do it...

Is this on a console or over a terminal?  It may be that you have to press
escape twice to get a single escape character to be read; that is,
escape may be acting as a sticky modifier, and you have to hit it 
twice to get the actuasl keycode.


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