Dear John:
Thanks for the reply.  It would seem indeed that you have had some
unfortunate experiences with windows.  I too am in the process of weaning
myself from windows, but as I noted before, there are still too
many programs that have not made the transition to the linux environment.
I would like to let you know that I have my system up and running again
thanks to extensive backups that I had made.  The basic problem was the
removal of the second (linux) partition, which I could only accomplish
finally by using Ontrack's disk mangager to repartion the thing to one
partition.  W98 then installed without any problem, I used FIPS to
repartion again and installed Debian as usual.
        I would like to comment about the partition-disaster-HOWTO, which
unfortunately seems to me to be merely an advertisement for a non-free (in
the sense that you have to pay money for it, as well) program called
Partition Magic.  Experiences such as mine, if shared broadly, should help
to make the transition to linux less traumatic.

Thanks again,
Roy Little

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