Well a lot anyways.  I wanted to tryout xdm, so I dselected it, ran it
manually, and it worked.  I purged it, installed gdm to check that out,
it didn't work (somthing about no display configured, I didn't feel like
messing with it).  I purged gdm to try wdm, that "ran"  but obviously
wasn't affecting the local display, so I got rid of that too.  So just
cause xdm was the only that worked out of the package, I went back to
that, only this time it did not work.  On top of that, X no longer
worked, complaining about some Xfree config file.  Well I think it was
wdm that was dependant on some xfree something or another that
I installed, but I am using accelerated X so I probably didn't need it.
I reinstalled X, and that works.  Now the problem I need help with.
I get the following errors for the app's indicated:


Eterm: XError: Request 62.0, Error 8
Eterm: BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes)
Eterm: XError: Request 62.0, Error 8
Eterm: BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes)


Gdk-ERROR **: BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes)
  serial 117 error_code 8 request_code 2 minor_code 0

gnomeicu starts minimized, but if I try to open the window, everything
crashes, it does give a similar  BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes)

I REALLY would appreciate any help with fixing this, and insight into
what went wrong.

-Aaron Solochek

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