On Wed, Jul 07, 1999 at 03:59:15AM +0200, Martin Bialasinski wrote:
> >> "Ben" == Ben Lutgens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Ben> I just upgraded and now I can't send mail to any addresses at my
> Ben> ISP,
> What upgrade? From which version to which?
The latest in unstable

> Ben> I have to "masquerade" my box as my ISP so mail will get through
> Ben> to any addresses but if I do exim doesn't query the "Smart host"
> Ben> for the recipient name.
> How should it query the smarthost for the recipient? You send the mail
> , how should the smarthost know to whom you want send mail to, if your
> MTA doesn't tell it?
I get this error so I assume it's not sending these through the "Smarthost"
    unknown local-part "foxx" in domain "mosquitonet.com"

[EMAIL PROTECTED] is his username at our ISP. And since exim thinks my box
is called mosquitonet.com it looks only on my server for a username of foxx,
finds none and pukes.
> If you have problems, your call for help is usually more effective, if 
> you send some hard facts, like error mails you received from some MTA
> and the relevant parts form log file.
Log excerpt from  one of the damnable errors

1999-07-06 16:13:26 111fL3-00069r-00 ** [EMAIL PROTECTED]: unknown
local-part "foxx" in domain "mosquitonet.co
1999-07-06 16:13:26 111fL4-00069t-00 <= <> R=111fL3-00069r-00 U=mail P=local
1999-07-06 16:13:26 111fL3-00069r-00 Error message sent to
1999-07-06 16:13:26 111fL3-00069r-00 Completed
1999-07-06 16:13:26 111fL4-00069t-00 => fugas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
D=localuser T=local_delivery
1999-07-06 16:13:26 111fL4-00069t-00 Completed
> Without the complete error message, it is just guesswork, which is a
> waste of time.
> Ciao,
>       Martin
> -- 
> Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null


Debian / GNU Linux: An OS the way god intended it; 32Bit, multi-tasking,
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Ben Lutgens (ICQ # 10836629  IRC: irc.openprojects.net #debian Nick: fugas)

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