On Thu, Jul 08, 1999 at 12:06:15PM +1000, Matthew Dalton wrote:

> Has anyone used Star Office 5.1 with Slink, or any other glibc2.0 based
> distribution?

> Star Office 5.1 was released to fix problems with SO5.01 and glibc2.1,
> but is it still compatible with glibc2.0?

Yes, I use it now with pleasure. When the setup starts it comes with
a big lists of libraries it can't find and asks:

Proceed anyway <y/n>?

Then pressing the Y-button, it installs just great!
A while ago I tried this with 5.0, that won't work.

Paul van Tilburg

Student @                              |  Using the Power of Linux...
Eindhoven University of                |  ICQ: 8678828          
Technology, The Netherlands            |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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