I am trying to learn sendmail but it is not working the way I am expecting or
wanting it to.  I have tried everything that I can think of to no avail.  Maybe
someone can tell me why or maybe I should try something else.

I am running Debian Slink with sendmail running and bind working.

I use multiple mailboxes for my family.  Each member has a login account on the
Linux machine.  Each member has a permanate forwarding e-mail box on the net so
when I change ISP's I do not have to worry about changing e-mail addresses. 
Now what I want is sendmail (read any one like exim, send, et.) to always
re-write the from address to the forwarding e-mail address for that user.  I
want to use any client program that I want for the mail program.  Like I like
StarOffice for my personal mail and ishmail for my work mail.  My wife likes
Netscape for hers.  All these programs access the Linux machine for all e-mail
for the user.  So my local sendmail sends and receives my mail.  I also need to
have a flexible alias system so I can have all accounts receive mail from one
address and they get the private mail from the other accounts no matter what
the name is on the ISP side.  The mail pull from the ISP is done through
fetchmail at the root level so I only have one configuration file.

Is anyone running a system like this?  Can anyone help me get it set up?  I
have tried so many things that this letter would be way too long for anyone to
read if I listed them all here.  I am willing to take any suggestions that
anyone has to offer.  Even trying something else as long as someone has an idea
as to how this configuration would work.


Brian Schramm

Brian Schramm

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