On 08 Jul 1999 01:29:07 +0200, you wrote:
>>>>>> "Jens" == Jens B Jorgensen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>  Jens> I have a similar setup. You just need to tell dhcpd which
>  Jens> ethernet interface you want to serve up IPs for. This can be
>  Jens> done by editing /etc/init.d/dhcpd.

I don't have /etc/init.d/dhcpd. Contents.gz doesn't list this
belonging to any package in slink. Instead, I have /etc/init.d/dhcp
which I modified according to your hint. This seems to work, thanks

>>Here's the changes I made:
>You should also be able to do this by putting 
>       IFACE=eth1
>in /etc/dhcpc/config

/etc/dhcpc/config belongs to dhcpcd, the client package. If this
configuration file also affects a server running on the same system,
this is a bug IMHO.


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Marc Haber          |   " Questions are the         | Mailadresse im Header
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