Oops - misspelt the address. The actual mail is in the forwarded
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Is it possible to configure xdm to run the chooser by default, but
provide "itself" (ie localhost, or its own hostname) as one of the
options? The setup I am envisaging is one in which I want to do most of
my work on a remote server, but the remote server will not always be
available (in my case, it is a dual-boot and may be running windows; the
situation might also come up on a sometimes-networked laptop, for
example). In that case I still want to be able to work locally by
picking the local machine from the chooser.

I've looked at the xdm manpage, but the section on the chooser is very
brief, very cryptic, and seems to be geared towards X stations that
cannot run programs themselves.

Thanks in advance,

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