Brian Servis wrote:
> *- On 12 Jul, Keith G. Murphy wrote about "Re: Offtopic - Amiga and Linux 
> join forces?"
> > "Chrisopher D. Judd" wrote:
> >>
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >>      This is not Debian related, but if you're interested have a look at
> >>
> >
> > Sounds like he really knows what he's doing.  Also, look at:
> >
> >
> >
> > for an update.
> >
> > I wonder if they've talked with the Debian developers, or Amigas will
> > sell with yet another distribution?
> >
> They are not making another distribution.  They are just using the
> Linux kernel, most other things will be all Amiga, of course they will
> be bound by the GPL to release any improvements they make to the
> kernel.  Read the following for more info:
Thanks for the link.  It explains a lot.  I would quibble, however, and
contend that this *is* yet another Linux distribution: it is a
distribution of an OS that includes the Linux kernel.  That's a Linux
distribution by definition, AFAIK.  Also, there's this:

"Amiga assure us that the AmigaSoft Operating
 Environment will not be just another Linux distribution."

Meaning, in usual speech, that it is *a* Linux distribution (not *just*
another, though).

They're insane if they don't base it on Debian, considering the work
that's already been done on m68k machines.  I mean, the debs are there
and ready to be used, man!

I'd be running Linux on my old Amiga right now if

(1) There were drivers for my GVP disk controller.

(2) Supported Ethernet cards for the Amiga weren't so *damned*

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