On Tue, Jul 13, 1999 at 11:28:06PM -0400, Don Strayer wrote:
> The ...in-addr.arpa business looks fishy, but mail accepted from System
> 1 causes a similar-looking mainlog entry:
> 1999-07-13 21:29:34 114Dra-0003WK-00 <= [EMAIL PROTECTED] H=system1.sadt.com \
> (system1.sadt.com.1.168.192.in-addr.arpa) [] P=smtp S=675 \
> What is exim trying to tell me?
Looks to me like you MTA doesn't know it's supposed to relay mail for the
domain system2.sadt.com. add :system2.sadt.com to your exim.conf and tell me
how you come out. I am no expert but I think this should do it. Whether this
is the most graceful way to solve this problem I am not sure.

Let me know


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Ben Lutgens (pgp public key is "blutgens" available @ hkp://pgpkeys.mit.edu)

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