On Thu, Jul 15, 1999 at 12:43:06PM -0400, Sera Hill wrote:
> I've been having troubles with working on the configuration of my connection
> with the graphics side of things.  Can you help me out?  Basically, I can't
> get mail from my server and I'm having difficulties with installing
> netscape.  Is there anything you can recommend I do?  Or should I check in
> different places for stuff?  Do you need more information?
> Netscape (when I try to run it), says that it can't find libXpm.so.4 Has

Install library:

$ dpkg -S libXpm.so.4
xpm4g: /usr/X11R6/lib/libXpm.so.4.11
xpm4g: /usr/X11R6/lib/libXpm.so.4

> anyone else encountered this?  Or could you give me a fix?  And the netscape
> in enlightenment won't run because my path variable isn't set to where
> netscape is.  Is there any way for me to change the menu options so that
> link points to the correct location that the new netscape (4.6, which isn't
> working, see above) is in?
> Do I change the path variable by typing this in eterm:
> PATH="/the/path/I/want:other/paths/Iwant"
> Does that add those paths to the current profile?  Or does it completely
> change the PATH variable to the above, erasing the former PATH var?

You don't need to change PATH - simply use debian
netscape/navigator/communicator installer.


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