>> "lena" == lena  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

lena> I am a newbie with administrating my own Debian server, and got problems
lena> that got to do with security.

If you are new to this, go to your local bookshop, and check the
"Practical UNIX & Internet Security" (O'Reilly).

Especially if your living depends on this running server.

You can also check the Linux Administrator's Security Guide

lena> I have 20 different users that got both ftp and telnet access to
lena> the server /using it for web publishing/. I would like to add
lena> they got access to their root directory and all directories
lena> below it, but not to be able to go towards the \.

Install the proftpd server. Then check the documentation for chroot.

lena> Also, they shouldnt have telnet access.

Add /bin/false to /etc/shells and change the shell of the users to

One could also use PAM, but I don't use it myself, soI can't comment
on it.

[ Please don't quote the whole message that is even unrelated to your
question ]


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