On Sat, Jan 11, 2003 at 05:55:37PM +0100, Benedict Verheyen wrote:
> Hello,
> i'm used to work with php for creating dynamic webpages.
> I want to try to make shell scripts with it too and the 4.3.0
> version is able to do this. I know php already a bit and

I'm fairly sure that PHP has been able to do this for a long time.  I've
got php4 here, and I have a /usr/bin/php4 binary; it's from the php4-cgi

> don't want to learn perl script so that's the reason why i want
> to go with php. That and the fact that i like c++.

Huh?  Neither of them are much like C++ at all.

> 1. i saw that there isn't a 4.3.0 version available in the archives
> yet. Now if i get the source from the website, what's the best
> way to compile and install it on the system?
> Should i read the debian maintainer guide to learn how to
> build my own packages and make a package from it?

You can, but it'll involve a fair amount of effort.

> Is this the debian specific way when you want a package
> that isn't available yet?

One of them.  I'm lazy, so I usually just get the source, compile it and
use stow to put it into /usr/local.

> 2. If i would want to use extra modules, i suppose i should
> compile them too and make packages of it?

Dunno much about php, but I guess so.

> 3. Has anybody else used php for shell scripting purposes?
> Any sites with shell scripts? I've seen a lot site with scripts
> for webcreation but none with shell scripts.

It's exactly the same, AFAIK.  Seriously though, Perl is a much better
choice for this, and has had a lot more work put into it on this front.


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